Information Required for Orange Belt with One Green Stripe:

Orange 8 Kyu Rank Test Info.jpg
KIHON or Basics: The same as Yellow Belt with more blocks and kicks added. ttps://
Kihon for Novice Students:
TAIKYOKU NIDAN Kata: Taikyoku Nidan History.JPG

To earn your second green stripe on your belt (8-2 Kyu), the following are required:
- A repeat of all requirements for one green stripe on your belt (above)
- PHYSICAL: 15 push-ups, 15 sit-ups & adults (age 16 +) 15 V's
- Kihon for Novice Students:
- KIHON: Same as above with more blocks and kicks performed.
- KATA: A repeat of Taikyoku Sandan which must be an improvement from previous performance.
- KUMITE: In this Kumite, you wrap-up first, then move to block. Performed here are punches, front kicks and round kicks. Each are high and middle.